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Mobile App Development With Flutter & Dart For Beginners In Sinhala


(0 Reviews)


Master Flutter & Dart from scratch in Sinhala. Build your first mobile app easily!



13:44:53 Hours

Last updated Fri, 11-Oct-2024

84 Lessons 13:44:53 Hours Sinhala
Master Flutter & Dart from scratch in Sinhala. Build your first mobile app easily!
  • Grasp the core concepts of Dart, the programming language behind Flutter, through a comprehensive introduction.
  • Learn the fundamentals of Flutter for building cross-platform mobile apps.
  • Get familiar with widgets, layouts, and the core structure of a Flutter project.
  • Navigate between different screens in a Flutter app using routing techniques.
  • Understand the use of named and dynamic routes for better app structure.
  • Dive deeper into Flutter’s layout system and create complex UI structures.
  • Use advanced widgets and understand their customization for building responsive designs.
  • Implement different types of user input and form validation in Flutter apps.
  • Create interactive forms and manage input effectively.
  • Apply Flutter and Dart skills to build a fully functional To-Do app from scratch.
  • Understand how to fetch data from the internet and integrate REST API calls into a Flutter app.
  • Perform HTTP requests and handle API responses effectively.
  • Gain hands-on experience by designing and implementing a practical project resembling the Facebook home screen.
  • Use various Flutter widgets and techniques to replicate real-world UI.
  • Learn how to integrate Firebase into your Flutter apps for backend functionalities.
  • Build an expense tracking app using Firebase’s real-time database
  • Understand the difference between stateful and stateless widgets in Flutter.
  • Build a counter app to practice managing state in Flutter projects.

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Mobile App Development With Flutter & Dart For Beginners In Sinhala


(0 Reviews)


Master Flutter & Dart from scratch in Sinhala. Build your first mobile app easily!



13:44:53 Hours

Last updated Fri, 11-Oct-2024

84 Lessons 13:44:53 Hours Sinhala
Master Flutter & Dart from scratch in Sinhala. Build your first mobile app easily!
  • Grasp the core concepts of Dart, the programming language behind Flutter, through a comprehensive introduction.
  • Learn the fundamentals of Flutter for building cross-platform mobile apps.
  • Get familiar with widgets, layouts, and the core structure of a Flutter project.
  • Navigate between different screens in a Flutter app using routing techniques.
  • Understand the use of named and dynamic routes for better app structure.
  • Dive deeper into Flutter’s layout system and create complex UI structures.
  • Use advanced widgets and understand their customization for building responsive designs.
  • Implement different types of user input and form validation in Flutter apps.
  • Create interactive forms and manage input effectively.
  • Apply Flutter and Dart skills to build a fully functional To-Do app from scratch.
  • Understand how to fetch data from the internet and integrate REST API calls into a Flutter app.
  • Perform HTTP requests and handle API responses effectively.
  • Gain hands-on experience by designing and implementing a practical project resembling the Facebook home screen.
  • Use various Flutter widgets and techniques to replicate real-world UI.
  • Learn how to integrate Firebase into your Flutter apps for backend functionalities.
  • Build an expense tracking app using Firebase’s real-time database
  • Understand the difference between stateful and stateless widgets in Flutter.
  • Build a counter app to practice managing state in Flutter projects.

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